Monday, November 14, 2011

Multiplicity within Tables

Databases 1

1. What does a column in a table represent?
 A field.

2. What does a row in a table represent?
A record. 

3. What does DBMS stand for?
Database Management System.

4. What is a primary key in a table used for? 
Identifying records uniquely.

5. Why is the ID column such a useful field?
Because if you know the primary key/ID of a record, you can do anything with that record.

6. What Access data type would you use to store the string “18 Segway Drive, Moonville” ?
The Text data type.

7. What Access data type would you use to record True/False values?

8. What Access data type would you use to store a number?
The Number data type.

9. What Access data type would you use to store a long string such as an essay or report?
The Memo data type. 

10. A database is a collection of what?
A database is a collection of related data stored in a structured format.

11. A table is made up of what?
Rows and columns.

12. What is a record?
 A record is a group of related fields containing all of the information about a specific person, place or thing

13. Are spaces allowed in field names?
Yes, but it is not good practice.