Monday, August 29, 2011

[Research] Visual Basic - String Manipulation

Overloads: 0
Parameters: String1:String, String2:String, Compare:CompareMethod
Return type: Integer
Exceptions: ArgumentException
StrComp compares String2 to String1, based on the (optional) Compare parameter. If String1 comes BEFORE String2 (in order), the return will be a -1, if they are the same, it will return a 0, if it comes AFTER String 2, it will return a -1.

Overloads: 11
Parameters: str:String, Conversion:VbStrConv, LocaleID:Integer
Return type: String
Exceptions: ArgumentException
StrConv converts str using the VbStrConv function. for example. VbStrConv.LowerCase will return a string with all lower case letters.

Overloads: 0
Parameters: Expression:String
Return type: String
Exceptions: N/A
StrReverse just reverses the order of the entire string.

Overloads: 0
Parameters: str:String
Return type: String
Exceptions: N/A
StrTrim removes all leading and trailing spaces. ie, no spaces at the start, or at the end of the string.

Overloads: 0
Parameters: SourceArray:String, Delimiter:String
Return type: String
Exceptions: ArgumentException
Strings.Join will get all the values, or the specific value, from an array or string, and add them together. The Delimiter will add a certain characters (default a space) between each item that is joined. If an array has the numbers 1 to 10, and the delimiter was a colon ":", the output would be 1:2:3:4:5 etc.

Overloads: 0
Parameters: Expression:String, Find:String, Replacement:String, Start:Integer, Count:Integer, Compare:CompareMethod
Return: String
Exceptions: ArgumentException
Details: This function replaces certain strings or characters with others, within a source string. Count counts how many have been replaced. Start is the integer location of the start of the string to search to replace.

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